Interactive poetry
Taking its title from the eponymous collection by Zéno Bianu, published by Editions Gallimard, the performance opens a chamber of echoes in which the poet's voice, music and the visual arts interact. A poetic Sufism that takes us beyond words, beyond music, beyond images, carried by the poet, from black nights to meteors.
In progress
Interactive poetry
Taking its title from the eponymous collection by Zéno Bianu, published by Editions Gallimard, the performance opens a chamber of echoes in which the poet's voice, music and the visual arts interact. A poetic Sufism that takes us beyond words, beyond music, beyond images, carried by the poet, from black nights to meteors.
In progress
Interactive show ( music x digital arts x poetry )
Une autre histoire de l'opéra.
Verdi, Bizet, Purcell. Les grands airs de l'opéra repris en duo, par une voix, un violoncelle, comme si Nancy Sinatra ou Portishead s'emparaient de la Traviata ou Didon et Enée. Le concert se tisse d'anecdotes sur la vie des compositeurs, des oeuvres, des chanteurs, comme autant de portes personnelles et ludiques vers le grand monde de l'opéra.
A la fois virtuose et intime, une réinterprétation de l'opéra pour tous les publics et tous les lieux.
Cross music conference & live
A voice. A cello. Magnetic tapes.
A journey that crosses Europe, from Italy to France through airs (Arie in Italian) known to all. Bizet, Verdi, Purcell, the duo retrace the thread of a popular culture that recounts eras and cultures. Work of reinterpretation rather than popularization, the performers approach the classical repertoire through the prism of a sensitivity on the wire seeking resonance through the centuries of a music of all emotions: the opera.
In progress
Cross music conference & live
A voice. A cello. Magnetic tapes.
A journey that crosses Europe, from Italy to France through airs (Arie in Italian) known to all. Bizet, Verdi, Purcell, the duo retrace the thread of a popular culture that recounts eras and cultures. Work of reinterpretation rather than popularization, the performers approach the classical repertoire through the prism of a sensitivity on the wire seeking resonance through the centuries of a music of all emotions: the opera.
In progress
Cross music conference & live
A voice. A cello. Magnetic tapes.
A journey that crosses Europe, from Italy to France through airs (Arie in Italian) known to all. Bizet, Verdi, Purcell, the duo retrace the thread of a popular culture that recounts eras and cultures. Work of reinterpretation rather than popularization, the performers approach the classical repertoire through the prism of a sensitivity on the wire seeking resonance through the centuries of a music of all emotions: the opera.
In progress